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Muhammad Faheem Akhtar


Muhammad Faheem Akhtar, male, from Pakistan, is currently Foreign expert of the School of Agriculture and Biology at Liaocheng University. He holds a Postdoctoral and PhD, master's supervisor. I graduated from Nanjing Agricultural University in 2019 with a major in Animal Breeding Genetics and Reproduction and obtained a PhD degree. In the same year, I started working at Nanjing Normal University.

Mainly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as "Animal biotechnology", "Progress in Animal Reproduction" has won two first prizes in Mphil degree. Hosted the Project under “Excellent foreign young scientists in China in 2023.

My main research direction is the diagnosis and treatment of various aspects of animal Reproduction and breeding in livestock. I have successively presided over 2 projects as principal scientist. I have published resarch and review papers papers in journals such as animal nutrition, Reproduction, Theriogenology, Animals. Received best student award in Mphil studies and various awards from college of international education, Nanjing Agricultural Uiversity.

Contact information: 15062252274

Email: faheem_dear@hotmail.com

Muhammad Faheem Akhtar,男,来自巴基斯坦,现任聊城大学农业与生物学院外籍专家。他拥有博士后和博士学位,硕士生导师。我于2019年毕业于南京农业大学动物育种遗传与繁殖专业,获得博士学位。同年,我开始在南京师范大学工作。



